The Puzzle of Home Page Design

Posted on Mon Mar 21 2022By Solomon Nyamson

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Web Design

In order to draw the immediate attention of first-time visitors, the home page should be well-designed and should provide a good user experience. Since your business communicates with the visitors visually, there are certain factors, such as fonts, symmetry, colour, text count, structure, spacing, etc., which one needs to keep in mind as this helps create an impact. The home page design is about designing and placing the header, footer, content, logo and call-to-action in the right position to guide visitors to find the required information quickly and easily.

Things to consider when designing Your Homepage: The homepage is the first page that visitors land on when they visit a company’s website. So it is essential to create an attractive and informative homepage to make people understand your business and your services. A well-designed website will entice potential customers to buy your product or service. Your homepage design should be easy to navigate for users, which creates a better user experience.

Use the Same Name for Domain and Company: The domain name helps the consumers to check out your website, so it is crucial to choose one that helps them remember without any difficulty. There are certain things that one needs to follow while creating a domain name, such as

? Using keywords for your domain name ? Keep the domain name short ? Use simple words which are easy to spell and remember ? Choose words that show uniqueness for branding purposes and avoid hyphens ? Research thoroughly before choosing a domain name ? Consult or seek help from domain name generators.

So your domain name plays an important role in making a memorable impression on visitors who visit your website for the first time. Choose or come up with the domain or company name that is relevant to your industry rather than unrelated words in the name of unique. Using the same name for both your domain and company name will help increase the credibility of your company which leads to more conversion.

Power of Logo and Taglines: A logo acts as the bridge between your business and customer, which delivers your company’s mission and message to the people. Ensure to incorporate a logo with minimalist and elegant design that creates an impact leaving a memorable place in their minds. A logo helps people identify your brand instantly within a few seconds, even if they tend to forget your company name. While designing your logo for your business, ensure that the design is something that people often encounter in their daily lives to make it memorable. Insert catchy business taglines along with your logo, which helps describe your company’s message to the consumers.

Navigation Bar is the Key: The navigation design for your website is vital because it makes your website user-friendly, which helps people navigate seamlessly to get the required information. If the navigation design of your website gives a good user experience, then users may choose to buy your product or service; the labels, patterns and structures of navigation design also play a crucial role. There are different types of navigation design, such as the standard horizontal menu, hamburger menu,scroll-triggered, mega menu, fixed or sticky menu and hover activated drop-down menu. Avoid patterns like hamburger menus because, by default, it hides the navigation and appears only when it is triggered.

The homepage design involves more factors besides attractive visual designs. It helps communicate to your existing customers and first-time visitors about your business and why they should choose your company among other competitors. The design should deliver your company’s purpose and message to the people to increase their interest and gain their trust, leading to an increased conversion rate.